Get out!
The Walking Call is the newbie amongst agile communication formats… Agile meeting and communication formats are like water: they always find a way… Because they develop where they are needed and really used. Instead of just withering away in some papers and bylaws. After months…
Small gesture, big effect: that’s how Kamala Harris kept MASTERSTATUS and EYELEVEL during the American VP debate
30 seconds. 30 seconds only. That was all it took for Kamala Harris to show during the debate of the candidates for the American Vice Presidency, how you – under pressure (and such a debate is putting you under pressure for sure) show attitude and…
Storytelling: Continuing when the story is at its best
The stories have been found, the people involved are enthusiastic and busy with further development. The first story ambassadors have started their work, the boss did well at the last “all hands” meeting and was authentic with his story on stage. And then the whole…
More Story. More Glory.
In-depth insights into storytelling and narrative communication in complex times. Buzzword of the decade, often used meaninglessly or hopelessly overloaded with meaning: STORYTELLING in the corporate context. In the shade of fake news, often drawn into credibility doubts, praised as a panacea in the light…
If you’re in a Storytelling hurry: here is 3 tips to fix your story quickly
Katja Schleicher with 3 tips to make your story stronger and more relevant.
The ultimate Summer-storytelling-Reading-list
Overview Annette Simmons – Whoever tells the best story wins Petra Sammer – Storytelling. Die Zukunft von PR und Marketing Frenzel/ Müller /Sottong – Storytelling Robert Fulford – The triumph of the narrative Maxwell/ Dickman – The elements of persuasion Nick Owen – The Magic of Metaphor: 77 stories for teachers,…
Not tale, no sale. Storytelling Insights
Our brain is storywired already. Storytelling transports information into the brain in exactly the manner it is already wired : not in information packages, but in relation to certain contexts. That’s why it is so much easier to reach any audience with stories instead of facts…